Why is there Pro now?

Hi Jordan,

@onbrokenwings Was also disappointed by the recent addition of Codecademy PRO.

And, from my answer there:

Codecademy isn’t restricting access to any course content, which is the most important part of Codecademy. PRO only gives you live help, extra quizzes, links to external resources, etc… But they aren’t restricting knowledge by having PRO. They’re expanding it, since:

  1. It’s an income for them, so they can stay in business and come out with even more courses
  2. People who would’ve struggled to learn a concept will have an easier time now, because of the quizzes and Advisors.

So I think it actually benefits everyone.
Besides, PRO features are bound to come trickling down to normal users as PRO gets more features.
I saw that just recently with CodePen, where for a while you had to pay to be allowed to style your profile (you got other features as well, of course). But then they did a redesign, and let everyone style their profile, but let paid users use Pens as the background of their profiles! So someday, normal Codecademy users might get the resources and quizzes, but not the projects or something.

Again, I think PRO is a good thing, unlike when I first heard about it.

Sorry for the long post!