Why doesn't this recourse have a C/C++ course?

Why doesn’t this recourse have a C/C++ course???

Hello @methodpro52684!

As far as I know, Codecademy is working on new content based on the current results of this poll.

What I can tell you as a common user of Codecademy is that development of a new course takes resources that the platform must analyze the market/user demand in order to see the outcomes of releasing a new course and hence the profit of this move. All these resources includes the site maintenance (Front and Back End), employees and so on.

I hope it helped you to answer the question.


… That would include very expensive licensing, which is the first challenge and which demands well balanced partnerships to remove some of the hurdles.

There is a shortage of engineers owing to the high demand across all industries and throughout the developed and developing world. Expertise is stretched thin in a lot of organizations as they compete for employees they can afford. Do you pay one engineer 180,000, or three, 60,000 dollars? Can you find the three? Can you find the one?

From what we read of CC from the Fifth Estate we can infer that like every start up there are growing pains, crests and valleys in the cash flow, and subsequently brain drain, especially in the valley phases.

Bottom line as I see it is that CC will introduce C++ as a Pro Intensive geared to software developers who will go on to write compilers and new programming languages for the systems of the future.

To be perfectly honest, most of us will never need to learn C in any of its flavors since we have so great a bounty that has been spawned from that language, including several high level languages that have abstracted away much of the C rigor while maintaining much of the functionality.

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, and so on are some examples of the high level languages built on the shoulders of C. If one’s aim is to write the API for browsers, then it follows that C will factor in, but for most of us the languages in use on the web are all we will ever use.

And finally, here is a twist… Learn C by learning languages written in it then study their source code to see how it is really implemented, right under the hood. To write a compiler one has to be intimate with both the specification of the new language and the core language. What does the C behind PHP look like? What about behind Python? Java? Ruby? JavaScript? etc., etc.

And what about the C that’s behind most or all of the operating systems we use today? Before C there was not very much to code OS’s in but assembly language. Elementary mnemonics stemmed from that to form the early (slightly higher) low level languages which eventually resulted in the emergence of C. It’s the great grandfather to complex, low level languages that are human readable and structured.


Thank you for your input. C++ is what i originally started on. After researching other languages like Python(which i am currently learning) and ruby, i now understand the content of your reply even more.


@methodpro52684 we have it now! https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-c-plus-plus