Why does my code not print values divisible by 2?


Why does my code not print values divisible by 2?


There are a couple different reasons this may happen, so go through the checklist below:

  1. Did you indent your code properly? Remember that Python uses indentation (2 spaces per indentation level) to denote blocks of code.
  2. Is there a colon after your for loop and if statement? Leaving this out causes a syntax error.
  3. What value are you printing inside of your if statement if the number is divisible by 2? If you’re printing the list name, that’s not quite right - print the variable you just checked.
  4. Did you use = or == to check if a number is divisible by 2? Remember that = is used to assign value, so that’s not what we use in an if statement.
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Or the using of the symbol % instead of /. The symbol % is used to return the rest of the division by 2 while the symbol / is used to return the result of the division by 2.