Why are there two kinds of comments?


An earlier exercise showed comments using the # symbol, so why do we need another type of comment?


In Python, comments begin with a # symbol and continue to the end of the line. Text that is delimited by three double quotes at its beginning and end actually forms a multi-line string rather than a comment. In fact, a multi-line string is really just a string. Both comments and multi-line strings come in handy in different ways!

Single-line comments are great when you need to:

  1. Write a comment on the same line (inline), perhaps to explain a variable or value.

  2. Comment out a single line of code so that it doesn’t run.

Multi-line strings are useful when you need to:

  1. Remove large blocks of code from a process without deleting them.

  2. Write documentation for a program or function. If a string is positioned as the first line within a function, it serves as a docstring that can be accessed programmatically. For docstrings, it is conventional to use multi-line strings.

Ultimately the style and choice is up to you, but if you’re interested in going down the style guide rabbit hole, here’s a link to Python’s PEP 8 style guide!


Although I’m not sure I would recommend to do many # instead of using the string thing. I don’t know the technical reason but I heard about it’s wrong and in some companies that’s what is done. Check on Google for more information or wait an OP answering me!

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The triple comments are also used to create multi line comments or de facto comments. So you cant only say that they are only used to create multi line strings. The triple quotes can be used to create both strings and comments.