"while" loop

what is wrong with my code below?
link https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-python/lessons/loops/exercises/simple-errors?action=resume_content_item&link_content_target=interstitial_undefined

choice = raw_input('Enjoying the course? (y/n)')

while choice!='y' and choice!='n' : # Fill in the condition (before the colon)
  choice = raw_input("Sorry, I didn't catch that. Enter again: ")
if choice=='y':
  print "Thank you!"
if choice="n": 
  print"Sorry then!"

I’ve tried your code and it seems to be running well. Does yours look similar to this?

choice = raw_input('Enjoying the course? (y/n)')

while choice != 'y' and choice != 'n':  # Fill in the condition (before the colon)
  choice = raw_input("Sorry, I didn't catch that. Enter again: ")

if choice == 'y':
	print 'Thank you!'

if choice == 'n':
	print"Sorry then!"

the if conditions where never required? Anyway, you made a small mistake here:

if choice="n": 

a single equal sign means assign, are you sure you didn’t intent to check if choice equals n?