What should colspan="2" look like?


What should the example for colspan=“2” in this exercise look like? What does a td element look like when it spans multiple columns?


Here is what the html will look like on the page (with a little extra css added to make the sections clearer).
Note that the “Out of Town” td element spans both the “Monday” and “Tuesday” columns, for a total colspan of 2.


Which attribute allows me to span two cells in different rows?


I think it’s rowspan=“number”.


rowspan=“2” цифра означает сколько ячеек нужно обьеденить


Can I achieve the same result using css { padding:…px} instead?

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Different question, but related to topic: when I span the table data element over two columns, it overwrites what was already in that location since I have done it over 2 columns. I this what it should be doing? The system gave me a green check. It also moved the word ship as the only text that is in the not yet in existence 4th column. It seems there is something wrong?


When, You assign colspan=“2”,you can apply it on

or a/c to your need.
And it enlarges the current cell over 2 consecutive columns, And the Other Cell present on rt side to it will be Shifted by one cell to the right.
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Hello everyone
Can I ask? Why when I give the element of my table the atribute scope=“row” and than complete it with the atribute colspan=“2”. Why it’s not work?

On the code it looks like the next:
Miss Sally’s Southern

Do you mean that your row is a column ?
It would be best if you gave the complete info and code so we can understand better what you mean. (I’m on this lesson and interested by your question).
Have a good day and take care !

I commented out the last column item when I did this exercise. I used the middle column and commented out the 3rd. < !- - . . . - - >

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I commented out the last column item when I did this exercise. I used the middle column and commented out the 3rd. < !- - . . . - - >

For me, my row became a column when I did rowspan=“2”

I’m unsure, but it seems to me that this is more of a structural change, so it should be made with HTML as HTML is responsible for composing the structure of our document as opposed to CSS, which is responsible for the appearance/presentation of our document.

why do I have to use use >colspan cause it’s not making much of a difrence is it?

Its used to span columns with same data. So instead of writing a data twice, you can just write colspan=“2” to do the same work. Moreover in daily life, we sometimes need to write same data for more than one column like the exercise. Hence, it definitely makes a difference. I know its late and you must’ve finished the lesson already .Still I hope it helps you somehow.

Hey guys. I just completed the assignment 7/13 in HTML Tables about spanning Columns, where I had to use the “colspan” attribute, to span 1 datapoint across 2 columns, but the formatting looks off on the table itself since there are only 3 colums, but 4 datapoints when spanning 1 across 2, so I had to delete 1 datapoint to make everything fit. I just wanted to know if there’s any other way to do it, since it says “Your formatting looks a bit off” in the “hint” box below, but obviously I still did what it wanted me to do.


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You are using it on a table header and not on table data

Thank you. This is really useful.

Certainly! The HTML code <td colspan="2">Out of Town</td> is used to create a table cell that spans two columns and displays the text “Out of Town” in that cell. Here’s an example of how you can use this code in an HTML table:

<table border="1">
    <td colspan="2">Out of Town</td>

In this example, we have a simple HTML table with two rows. The first row contains two regular table cells (<td> ) for “City” and “State.” The second row contains a single table cell with colspan="2" , which spans both columns and displays “Out of Town.” This is useful when you want to merge cells across multiple columns in a table.

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