-Current problem
Currently I have a massive excel sheet that records data(i have a restaurant)
It calculates tips dispersion(the rate changes from day to day), how much money is in our 2 safes, and calculates every 2 weeks how much each person made(for tax reasons). At the end of the day, if numbers dont add up to the total numbers given to us by the POS(our computer that you ring food in), it must be easy for the managers to go back and re-check each persons information. Now there a lot of other factors and exceptions that i will need to deal with, but for the bulk of the program, these are what i need. Store data, access data, and manipulate data. I would like to put some Passwords in there as well. Shift times for bartenders , bussers, and hosts need to be put in.
-who uses it.
I have the excel sheet on google drive, and my accountant looks at it every 2 weeks(off site). My 3 managers putting the information into the sheet are not tech savey, so it needs to be idiot proof. (right now they are dragging cells, and because i daisy chained the info, everything is getting messed up), and they are deleting things they are not supposed too…
Now i have to save all the data every 2 weeks, go back in time and change information, and make it super easy to use. with the excel sheet i have lots of drop down menus… and I would love it if it saved data often. The excel sheet keeps losing information.
I would like to eventually open more then 1 restaurant, and if that is the case, I would like to access the data from both restaurants.
-My experience
I have dabbled in C++ (forced to use in my classes), but that language is very rough(overflow errors, going over stack, etc), and I don’t think it’s the best language to work with nowadays. Now, i am willing to put in the time to learn a new language, but there are so many languages out there now that i can use and i’m super confused. I know a good programmer can knock this out in a week, but if you don’t learn, you don’t grow, so whats the point then?
thank you for any guidance,