This code is unfinished, but I was bug testing before I went any farther, and I kept getting and “Unexpected token else.” I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it.
var start=confirm("Welcome to RP Through Commands. To being please hit okay.") if (start=true) { var WhatClass= prompt("What class are you?", "Mage, warrior, or healer") var WhatClassLow=WhatClass.toLowerCase() if (WhatClassLow="mage") { var WhatWeapon=prompt("What weapon do you want? Staff, runes, or a wand?").toLowerCase() } if else (WhatClassLow="warrior") { var WhatWeaponTwo=prompt("What weapon do you want? Sword, knife, or club?").toLowerCase() } if else (WhatClassLow="healer") { var WhatWeaponThree=prompt("How will you heal? Magic, herbs, or modern day medicine?").toLowerCase } } else { var areYouSure=prompt("Are you sure you want to quit?") }