First, lets elaborate on the way you tell the script there is a new variable and how you assign a new value to that variable.
To define a variable you let the script know by calling an identifier (let, const or var)
and then assign a value.
// Define a variable example with identifier let
let exampleLet = 5 //I can be reassigned in the future ;)
// Define a variable exampleConst with identifier const.
const exampleConst = 7 // I cannot be reassigned in the future.
The const
identifier tells the script that the variable you define cannot be changed. reassigning a variable identified as const
will result in an error.
identifier tells the script that the variable you define can be changed. It is possible to upon definition that the variable has no value.
The var
identifier results in a variable that can be reassigned. This was the only identifier before Javascript ES6. But I would personally only use let
and const
To reassign a variable you will simply have to call the variable by its name and then give it a new value, remember this is not possible with a const
exampleLet = 6 // reassign the value of variable example
console.log(exampleLet) // returns 6
exampleConst = 8 // result TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
Variable can be global so that everywhere in the Javascript this variable is accessible. You do this by defining the variable directly inside the Javascript outside of a function. If you define a function inside a function it will not exist outside of that function. This is called scope.
Now, on to the exercise and your questions ;).
You have a function is expected to return
a value of the variable days
. days
is not needed outside of the function so making it a global variable is unnecessary. Instead you will have to define the variable days
inside the function.
Because the value of days
depends on the outcome of the if..else if
statement you have to make sure you introduce the variable before the statement, and since days
should be modifiable the variable has to be of the type let
or, if you are old school, var
Now, why is the following code without assigning a empty variable resulting in a reference error?
const getTrainingDays = event => {
if (event === 'Marathon') {
let days = 50;
} else if (event === 'Triathlon') {
let days = 100;
} else if (event === 'Pentathlon') {
let days = 200;
return days;
The reason why this does not work is simply because the scoping rules for let
and const
identifiers in the context of statements says that internal defined variables do not exist outside of the statement. Since you define days inside of the statement, return days
will result in a reference error. Note: for some weird reason and remnants of the past, this is not the case for var
identifiers… @mtf why?
On to the next issue. Defining an empty variable days
before the if statement.
const getTrainingDays = event => {
let days;
if (event === 'Marathon') {
let days = 50;
} else if (event === 'Triathlon') {
let days = 100;
} else if (event === 'Pentathlon') {
let days = 200;
return days;
This does solve this reference error because return
can now actually return something. However since days
is empty an undefined
will be returned.
In the last instance you removed the let inside the if statements and it actually works. How so?
const getTrainingDays = event => {
let days;
if (event === 'Marathon') {
days = 50;
} else if (event === 'Triathlon') {
days = 100;
} else if (event === 'Pentathlon') {
days = 200;
return days;
Hey, now we are doing something completely different
. Instead of defining days, you reassign days
(remember the bit of theory at the start of my reply?). Thus days
is defined empty before the if.. else if
statement, it gets reassigned by the if statement and then returned
with a new value
I hope I have answered your question in a way that you understand
. Keep on coding!