Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge Project (C++)

Here’s my code solution! Not sure if this forum is alive still but felt good about finishing this one (and by the looks of it a bit differently from everyone else).

Hey im looking at your code to help me understand a bit better and I wanted to know if you could explain this section to me.

void gridPosition() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){ std::cout << "|" << ((i*3)+j+1) << "|"; }; std::cout << "\n"; }; }

Noughts and Crosses

That’s pretty encouraging to hear, and I’m glad you made it through! I tried to churn this out in 2 hours and felt like a failure. But I’ll keep pressing on!

Hey @andrew_thomas I believe they are using a 2D Array iteration to create their Tic-Tac-Toe grid? Just judging by what I’m looking at, and not sure if the OP replied.

I think this one is done.


This was fun :slightly_smiling_face:
can’t wait for the next challenge


First game done : )
My brain was hopping around on this, let’s hope there aren’t too many bugs

Here’s my code on GitHub, feedback is appreciated. Thank you

Hello World! :blush: Here is my GitHub repository for TIC TAC TOE game in C++

cy4adil/TIC-TAC-TOE: TIC TAC TOE - terminal based game in C++ (github.com)