I wanted to point out a really neat video tutorials that are available on Youtube
Coding Tutorials 360
In this video series(link is provided at the bottom), you are guided through the Python course, from Python Syntax to Classes. Basically, he covers the course on Codecademy. I feel this source can be really helpful for any of the folks facing minor problems in their Python code. This may be especially helpful for the ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ section and ‘Battleship’ sections of the course.
Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubtld2PGUhk&list=PLHdCowjFIBmI1UV60W1TVa7l91Psnw73E
A point to keep in mind, is Codecademy is supposed to be for YOU to learn to code! If you merely copy and paste the code from others, or this tutorial, you won’t ever have a clear understanding of the material! look look look and try to figure out what you messed up, and I promise you, it will eventually come to you.
Note: In no way am I sponsored or endorsed for supporting this material. This is an external source that I am personally in my humble opinion often refer to when I am stuck.
Thank you! Let me know if you find this material helpful!