[Suggestion] HTTPS on subdomains

So, a while ago Codecademy added HTTPS for the site, which was great, but there are a few subdomains that still don’t support HTTPS. It’s not a big deal if someone grabs my account credentials and does a course for me or something, but if they start spamming the forums with my account, that could be pretty bad. Could Codecademy please add HTTPS and HSTS for http://discuss.codecademy.com and http://discuss-cdn.codecademy.com?


And just for fun, instead of having to use the :heart: button or replying below to show you want this, here’s a poll:

  • I want HTTPS and HSTS on Codecademy subdomains
  • I want Codecademy subdomains to keep using HTTP
  • I don’t care.

0 voters

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Ryan confirmed via a direct message the other day he/the team will be working on this soon:

So it probably won’t be very much longer before these forums are on SSL!

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Any news about this?

@rugk Thanks for asking! Unfortunately, not yet :confused: I’ll check with Ryan and let you know once I hear anything again, though :slight_smile:

Thanks. Any news from @ryan?

Unfortunately not yet :confused: I’ll update update here again once I hear from him or someone else on the Codecademy team.


Any news on this? I think that with Firefox moving towards marking pages like these forums as clearly insecure, rather than just as a normal page, this should be a priority (although really, a little icon shouldn’t be your main reason for doing this ;))

- Login Forms over HTTPS, Please

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@rugk @amanuel2 News on this! Ryan is working on it, and you can now use these forums over HTTPS :tada: :slight_smile:
I have a feeling there’s more happening, so that soon these forums will default to HTTPS, but this is good so far :slight_smile:

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Nice. So only a redirect to the HTTPS version by default and the secure cookies flag would be nice…

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This discussion is moot. The change to https was completed long ago. Just look at the location bar.

Topic closed.

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