So, a while ago Codecademy added HTTPS for the site, which was great, but there are a few subdomains that still don’t support HTTPS. It’s not a big deal if someone grabs my account credentials and does a course for me or something, but if they start spamming the forums with my account, that could be pretty bad. Could Codecademy please add HTTPS and HSTS for and
And just for fun, instead of having to use the button or replying below to show you want this, here’s a poll:
Any news on this? I think that with Firefox moving towards marking pages like these forums as clearly insecure, rather than just as a normal page, this should be a priority (although really, a little icon shouldn’t be your main reason for doing this ;))
@rugk@amanuel2 News on this! Ryan is working on it, and you can now use these forums over HTTPS
I have a feeling there’s more happening, so that soon these forums will default to HTTPS, but this is good so far