Struggling with JavaScript


I am completely new to programming, I am doing the full-stack course, html and css no problem, but I have started the JS section (about halfway through part 2) and although I think I understand, its feels like I’m not getting it, as a whole, I can write functions and arrays etc, but I seem to struggle knowing when and where to use what I have learnt. I am assuming it’s because this is all new to me – so my question is, would I be better off stopping with JS and learning say Python, which I understand to be more beginner friendly getting comfortable with the fundamentals generally of programming, then coming back to JS in the hope it all makes more sense when I am building something? I started building a calculator, but was constantly on AI for the JS part– unsure of how to approach it. Any advice appreciated.


If JS is what you want to learn and your goals include a proficiency with the language, then stick with it. Check out other resources (not generative AI) when you get stuck on understanding a concept. I know it’s not fun to get stuck and feel lost! :anguished: But remember: there isn’t just one way of explaining programming concepts. Look to YT videos, the documentation, or sites like StackOverflow, GeeksforGeeks, or even books, etc. Use Web Inspector or Dev tools to look at other sites to see how they’re built.
If you want to practice JS, maybe check out the site, CodeWars. You can select any language and test your skills as you progress.

As when learning anything–take notes, take breaks, don’t beat yourself up. Learning any new language takes time, practice, repetition. Don’t fret, you’ll get there. And then when you do advance, you can help someone else who feels lost. :slight_smile:


I was gonna write the same kinda exact question on this forum… Im going trought the Javascript Intermediate Challenges and I cant finish even 1 by myself, even if I read some documentation… I get so frustrated that I dont even know if this is the right thing to learn.

I guess the answer we need to seek first is, why are we learning Javascript, what you wanna do with it, whats our goal for being studying all this stuff…

I would also appreciate if someone else can give more opinions about your question of changing to a more beginner friendly language will be useful or not or should we rather just stick to JS…


Its nice to know its not just me! I have to say that following the above advice has helped (Thanks lisalisaj), I have taken time away from the course and spent time on codewars (few days) and also find chatGTP great for setting questions specific to areas I need to understand more, I also use it when I am not 100% on how to apply something from the documentation, by asking for examples and a break down of the example. This has worked for me it seems, I am currently on and almost finished the credit card checker which has gone well (it works!). I use W3 school and MDN and check on AI for clearer additional explanation if needed. I started out wanting to work towards web development, but not 100% now that’s the path I want to take but, from what I have read if I can get a good grounding in Javascript I should find other languages easier at the fundamental level so I think its defiantly worth continuing as I now have so much time invested.

P.S if you use AI - I also ask if there are any alternatives to a method etc I am using, also pasting in code and asking how a senior developer would approach it is another thing I do(this sometimes shows things I am not aware of yet and can lead down a rabbit hole so I try to stick to what I’ve been taught to get a good understanding first as I’m sure I’ll pick up certain things later, but I like to be aware.)

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Thanks for your answer, I guess as everything will just need patience. What Im doing now (for the second time) is going WAAAY back at the beginning of the course and review one by one to make sure I have a better understanding of each concept. I can see that now I understand better some concepts and I can check easier if I have any mistakes. Nobody prepared me on how hard JS was going to be hahah. But thankfully if we not in a hurry to learn, we just need to go back and re-learn.

I will take your advice on using more the other resources, havent tried Codewars, will check it out. I will work better with AI, I was trying to avoid using it as sometimes is just way to easy to let AI do the job hahaha

Thanks again! Lets do some Peer Pairing Work next if you interested. I need to go back first to get the fundamentals again but once I reach some challenges I would like us to work together.

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Great, would be good to work together sometime.