I just came from 2.75 man-hours puzzling over Netlify’s Hugo integration
I haven’t used Hugo at all, and Netlify only a little with my Jekyll site (it worked fine). Netlify isn’t the only place to host a site, though. Theoretically, with a static site, you just have to build it, then transport the HTML files to your server, wherever that is.
I host my website in a VM with SSH access, and do exactly that using rsync for deploys:
$ bundle exec jekyll build
$ rsync -a _site/ user@server:/site/directory/
I’ve never had any issues doing it this way, and I could switch to any other hosting provider that allows rsync/SSH access without needing to change my deploy process.
If Netlify wants to use a custom version of Hugo, it seems to me that issues arising from that should be blamed on Netlify, not Hugo.
I’ve seen security patches frequently – a robust “Justice League” of superhero coders watches over the digital gotham that is a WordPress installation and I’ve never read of anyone’s WordPress site being hacked to death who had taken all the typically simple proper precautions.
Yes, WordPress has lots of contributions to keep it secure, but that’s the point with static sites: they don’t need any patches applied. And applying patches to a CMS gets old after a while (I had to patch 20-ish sites once, keeping 3 different environments for each site in sync - not fun, or efficient)
WordPress sites get hacked more often than static HTML sites, but you’re correct about it being rare as long as reasonable security precautions are taken.
I think these static-site adopters are basically geeks who just like new toys
Yeah, that’s fair. I think the advantages of SSGs ought to make them more popular, but I also think that about Linux…
Still, it’s not any harder to set up an SSG than it is to install WordPress or any other CMS - it’s mostly a matter of what you’re used to and how much relevant experience you have. For example, a PHP developer probably won’t have any trouble setting up a new WP site, but messing with Ruby versions would confuse him, and vice-versa for, say, a Ruby on Rails developer trying to set up Postgres.
I wasn’t able to get either WordPress or Jekyll working the first time I tried each, but I got more experience and eventually came back to each of them, with no trouble installing/configuring either.
I guess we may differ on whether SSGs are practical to use, but I hope I was able to answer your questions satisfactorily?