Starting Data Science: Analytics Career Path in 2023/2024? Join our Slack group chat!

Hello there!

I’m starting this Slack group chat so that I can help (and be helped by) others who are taking the same pathway as me. The more I progress through this course, the more difficult it gets and I think it would benefit me (and others) if there was a group that’s going through the same assignments, keeping each other accountable, sharing our experiences, figure out questions we have together, and motivating each other throughout it all. If this sounds like a good idea to you, let me know if you’d like to be included!

I started my Data Science: Analytics career pathway in September 2023, and I’m currently 41% done the course. Despite this, I still feel like I don’t know that much and I think collaborating with others will help me tremendously (and hopefully for you too!).

Thanks so much!


cybervixen I feel same way. i started my path on Data Science in November of 2023 and I’m 40% through it, partly because I am taking Data science and python courses at sametime on here and freecodecamp. I feel same way some lessons i feel im learning very little and others i fly right through them. You had the good idea of creating a Slack group very cool. ill be helping and seeking help the same as you. i wish you best of luck coding.

Hey, let me know if your slack is still open! I’m just getting started considering Data Science as a career. Currently working on the Python course.

I’m currently at 20%, let me know how we can work together

Me I have passed fundamental I .
How far you have you reach?

I’m 46 percent through the Python 3 course. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands the last couple of weeks so I’ve made quick progress. What other courses have you taken besides Python?

I am committed to the codeacademy syllabus only for data science career bath and reach 21%
do you suggest any thing beside the syllabus

Got it, if you’re working on the Data Science career path and Python, I think you’re where you need to be. I can imagine there’ll be other courses down the road, but for now I’m focused on those.

Hi, I just started the data science career path and would love to be paper of the sack if it’s still open

Hello! everyone I have also started Data science career path and done 30%. I completely agrees that some exercise are more difficult while others are so basic