SQLite installation trouble

Hey all,

I’m following the SQlite installation on GitBash in this tutorial:


The tutorial says ‘Download the sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3200100.zip file and unzip it.’ On the SQL download page however SQLite Download Page , I cannot see the link specifically for this. Instead, I have this one:

sqlite-dll-win-x86-3460100 It’s not the same as the file in the tutorial, but it seems appropriate

I am trying to call the zip file (as in tutorial), but I’m getting a ‘no such file or directory’ error. This is the input I am getting the error with:

$ cd /c/Users/Alan/Downloads/sqlite-dll-win-x86-3460100/sqlite-dll-win-x86-3460100/

So, why is it I am getting the ‘no such file or directory error’ on this? I swear I’m following the tutorial closely too. Any assistance will be appreciated.


Did you figure this out already?

Perhaps you downloaded the file in a different directory than where you’re trying to open it(?)
OR, maybe this Microsoft thread will help:


Yeah it looks installed now. I did have to go to another youtube video though (which I can post when I find URL) and I did it through the terminal.

No idea how to do it with GitBash though. I’ll give it another go soon enough.