I’m doing the Jammming project and it has seemingly been above the level of what we’ve been doing so far, so I’m scrambling some. What I could use is some input on the error’s I’m getting when trying to save the name of the playlist I’m trying to create. I will include the Spotify API call and the App.js function that are both providing me errors.
My desired behavior is that this would stop throwing error’s when trying to use my ‘Save to Spotify’ button. My search bar works and calls on the API just fine, but this one is the problem.
// Spotify API Call
import React from 'react';
let userAccessToken = '';
const clientID = '**redacted**';
const redirectURI = `http://localhost:3000/`;
const Spotify = {
getAccessToken() {
// First check
if (userAccessToken) return userAccessToken;
const token = window.location.href.match(/access_token=([^&]*)/);
const expiry = window.location.href.match(/expires_in=([^&]*)/);
// Second check for the access token
if (token && expiry) {
// Setting values for token and expiration time
const userAccessToken = token[1];
const expiresIn = Number(expiry[1]);
// Setting the access token to expire at the value for expiration time
window.setTimeout(() => (userAccessToken = ''), expiresIn * 1000);
window.history.pushState('Access token', null, '/');
// Returning the access token
return userAccessToken;
const redirect = `https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id=${clientID}&response_type=token&scope=playlist-modify-public&redirect_uri=${redirectURI}`;
window.location = redirect;
// Search method
search(term) {
const accessToken = Spotify.getAccessToken();
return fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?type=track&q=${term}`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` },
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((jsonResponse) => {
if (!jsonResponse) {
console.error('Response error!');
return jsonResponse.tracks.items.map((t) => ({
id: t.id,
name: t.name,
artist: t.artists[0].name,
album: t.album.name,
uri: t.uri,
}); // Second .then() statement
}, // getAccessToken function
savePlaylist(name, trackUris) {
if (!name || !trackUris) {
throw new Error('Please provide a name');
} else {
const aToken = Spotify.getAccessToken();
const header = { Authorization: `Bearer ${aToken}` };
let userId;
return fetch('https://api.spotify.com/v1/me', { headers: header })
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((jsonResponse) => {
userId = jsonResponse.id;
let playlistId;
return fetch(`https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/${userId}/playlists`, {
headers: header,
method: 'post',
body: jsonResponse.stringify({ name: name }),
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((jsonResponse) => {
playlistId = jsonResponse.id;
return fetch(
headers: header,
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({ uris: trackUris }),
}; // Spotify Initializer
export { Spotify };
// App.js Function
function savePlaylist(trackUris) {
const TrackURIs = playlistTracks?.map((track) => track.uri);
return Spotify.savePlaylist(playlistName, TrackURIs)
.then(() => {
setPlaylistName('New Playlist');
.catch((error) => {
I’ve tried throwing and catching an error, I’ve ran it with breakpoints, I’ve refactored the if/else statement