Sneaker bot

hello what kind of programming should i get into to build my own sneaker bot?
if someone could also help me build one that would be lovely.

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Before now I had never heard of a ‘sneaker bot’ but thanks to this post I now know what one is. To be honest, they are not something that is easy to build even if you are a network engineer. All the high end versions sell for a hefty price tag.

It is also very doubtful that anybody will just volunteer to help you build one, let alone even how to use one. Seems people are very prone to play their cards close to the chest and often give out disinformation to marks who are willing to believe what they’ve been told. Don’t expect a helpful community out there. This is, after all about competition and nobody is going to give us a leg up unless it benefits them more.

If sneakers are what you want, then the best avenue is to buy a proven bot and get in the game. Ultimately, the best one to buy is the one that does not need a browser so there are no webpage requests sent to the host server. That’s where the first bottleneck occurs when there are millions of requests per second.

As for the kind of programming, I would suspect C or Python to the be at the top of the list, in terms of languages, but the ‘kind’ is out of my purview. Let’s see if anyone else pipes into this topic.

Great and solid answer, thanks.

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