Sleep debt calculator

i cant seem to get this one right. i’m stuck with an error that i can’t seem to resolve.
“ReferenceError: getActualSleepHours is not defined”. can anyone spot my mistake?

const getSleepHours = day => {
if (day === ‘monday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘tuesday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘wednesday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘thursday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘friday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘saturday’) {
return 8;
} else if (day === ‘sunday’) {
return 8;
} else {
return ‘0’;

let actualSleepHours = getActualSleepHours;
const getActualSleepHours = () => getSleepHours(‘monday’) + getSleepHours(‘tuesday’) + getSleepHours(‘wednesday’) + getSleepHours(‘thursday’) + getSleepHours(‘friday’) + getSleepHours(‘saturday’) + getSleepHours(‘sunday’);

let idealSleepHours = getIdealSleepHours;
const getIdealSleepHours = () => {
const idealHours = 7.5;
return idealHours *7;


const calculateSleepDebt = () => {
let actualSleepHours = getActualSleepHours();
let idealSleepHours = getIdealSleepHours();
if (actualSleepHours === idealSleepHours) {
console.log(‘perfect sleep’)
} else if (actualSleepHours > idealSleepHours) {
console.log(‘you got’ + (idealSleepHours - actualSleepHours) + ‘hours more sleep than desired’)
} else {
console.log(‘you only got’ + (actualSleepHours) + ‘you should get some rest’)

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Hi, welcome to the forums! To get the best help possible please format your code using this:

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And please post a link to the exercise!
Try posting this in the #get-help section as well!

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Looking at your code the problem is here:

let actualSleepHours = getActualSleepHours;
const getActualSleepHours = () => getSleepHours(‘monday’) + getSleepHours(‘tuesday’) + getSleepHours(‘wednesday’) + getSleepHours(‘thursday’) + getSleepHours(‘friday’) + getSleepHours(‘saturday’) + getSleepHours(‘sunday’);

and here:

let idealSleepHours = getIdealSleepHours;
const getIdealSleepHours = () => {
const idealHours = 7.5;
return idealHours *7;

Notice how you assigned let actualSleepHours = getActualSleepHours; and let idealSleepHours = getIdealSleepHours; before you actually defined the functions getActualSleepHours and getIdealSleepHours? That’s why it’s throwing the error.
Now if you move those statements under said functions, no error is thrown. :smile:

I just noticed something, you made these statements: let actualSleepHours = getActualSleepHours; and let idealSleepHours = getIdealSleepHours;, but without the parenthesis after the function, it won’t save the value of the function to the variable you defined.


An interesting element of JavaScript which is not shared by many other languages:

In JavaScript, there a system known as hoisting, in which a part of the program cab access the variables in a function that is declared later in the program:

let varA = someFunction();
function someFunction(){
    return "Hello!";

Will print:


This is, however, considered bad practise

Why is this considered bad practice?

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Just due to readability. Imagine having a larger program, and at line 2 you declare a variable called someVar and set it equal to someFunction(), but someFunction() was declared on line 50. This is valid syntax, but it wouldn’t be very easy to debug.


Thank you so much!
It works now :smiley:

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