This is another script I wrote because I got bored and wanted to try this out.
Btw, Mods or Admins. Whatever. You should put in the “sleep” method in there. In the beginning. It would make stuff look pretty cool.
Anyways, here it is. It is a LogIn Script. You make a username and a password. The usename must be at least 6 letters long or else you will be forced to retype it in and the password is 8 letters long.
Not the prettiest code.
Welcome to the basic login system. I don't really feel like commenting on everything just to say how it works but I assume you can figure out how it works.
puts "//////////////////////////////////////"
puts "// My Basic LogIn System //"
puts "//////////////////////////////////////"
2.times { puts "" }
sleep 1
puts "Welcome to my basic login system."
puts "I will be asking of you to put in a Username and Password."
2.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "Username: "
user = gets.chomp
until user.length > 6
1.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "The Username must be at least 6 values long!"
1.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "Username: "
user = gets.chomp
while user.include?(" ")
2.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "No spaces please."
sleep 1.5
puts "Username: "
user = gets.chomp
2.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "Password: "
pass = gets.chomp
until pass.length > 8
1.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "The Username must be at least 8 values long!"
1.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "Password: "
pass = gets.chomp
while pass.include?(" ")
2.times { puts "" }
sleep 1.5
puts "No spaces please."
sleep 1.5
puts "Password: "
pass = gets.chomp
1.times { puts "" }
sleep 1
puts "Saving Information into database."
8.times do
sleep 1
print "▊"
print " Done!"
2.times { puts "" }
puts "////LogIn////"
2.times { puts "" }
puts "Username: "
user1 = gets.chomp
until user == user1
puts ""
puts "Error: Username does not exist!"
puts ""
puts "Username: "
user1 = gets.chomp
1.times { puts "" }
puts "Password: "
pass1 = gets.chomp
until pass == pass1
puts ""
puts "Error: The password is incorrect!"
puts ""
puts "Password: "
pass1 = gets.chomp
if user == user1 and pass == pass1
puts ""
puts "Congratulations! You are logged in!"
puts ""
puts "Something went wrong or the passwords are wrong. Please make sure you are typing them in correctly!"
puts ""
puts "Username: "
user1 = gets.chomp
puts ""
puts "Password: "
pass1 = gets.chomp
until user == user1 and pass == pass1
puts ""
puts "Something went wrong or the passwords are wrong. Please make sure you are typing them in correctly!"
puts ""
puts "Username: "
user1 = gets.chomp
puts ""
puts "Password: "
pass1 = gets.chomp
#This is incase someone finds a way around the program or it breaks.
puts "Created By"
puts ""
puts" ___ _ __ __ "
puts" / _ \/ |/ /_ __/ /_"
puts" / ___/ / // / __/"
puts"/_/ /_/|_/\_,_/\__/"
puts "PNut"