Should I use .find() or index?

Thanks a lot!
I need to learn more about operator precedence in Python, I didn’t know about that


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I find that this table is always useful. :slight_smile:

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What do you think of this solution?
It seems to work and the task is ticked as correct, but I still have my doubts about it.

# Write your substring_between_letters function here:
def substring_between_letters(word, start, end):
  x = word.find(start)
  y = word.find(end)
  if x and y == -1:
    return word
  elif x and y != -1:
    return word[x+1:y]

# Uncomment these function calls to test your function:
print(substring_between_letters("apple", "p", "e"))
# should print "pl"
print(substring_between_letters("apple", "p", "c"))
# should print "apple"