The selector seems redundant to me, because .location already selects the desired list items - there should be no need to mention that it is list items inside of elements of class breadcrumb that I’m selecting. Correct?
In fact,
.location::before {
content: "/ ";
accomplishes the same result.
That also makes the + adjacent sibling selector in .breadcrumb li+li::before seem superfluous. Indeed, MDN documentation for the before pseudo-element doesn’t include the + in the syntax.
Question: Why is the + combinator suggested in the hints - and in the previous lessons regarding the design of breadcrumbs?
Not sure if this still applies to you, but I was having the same issue, and realize I was putting my location and attribute class inside the anchor instead of the li.
Have you figured out the solution for this? I am still trying to wrap my head around it and need support/explanation as my selector does not remove the content “>”
The solution I tried that worked was .breadcrumb li.location+li::before {
as my selector. That removed just the symbol between blueberries and organic, but kept it between shop and groceries as they are the ones with the location class attached.