The whole Ruby online class has been a pile-of-crap ever since July 12 when CodeCademy updated and upgraded the Ruby version for the course and their online interpreter, per email sent before then. It’s been a month and little has worked compared to how smooth and slick the web interface worked before July 12- reset buttons to reset the course and lesson don’t work, the interactive checking they used to have to check your Ruby code doesn’t work, and now this page where you cannot even move on the course because the ‘run’ fizzles and dies out and does nothing. I have sent numerous bug reports and haven’t seen any results even though I’d get the blanket “thanks for the bug, we take all our feedback seriously and will be working on it”. Certainly makes me not recommend CodeCademy to people. Don’t care if it’s free…the free service is supposed to demonstrate that I’d want to pay money for a PRO course (at least that is the monetary model they set themselves up for) and this last month it’s certainly not demonstrating that.