Rock paper scissors Python

I’m trying to make rock paper scissors.
but when I made the win system.
it doesn’t say if I won or lost.

this is the code

import random
print('Hello User, Welcome to rock, paper, scissors')
print('What is your name?')
User = input()

print("Hello " + User + "")
print("Let's start " + User + "")
Attack = input("Rock Paper Scissors:")
from random import choice
cpu_choice = choice(('rock', 'paper', 'scissors'))
if cpu_choice == Attack:
    print('It is a tie!')
elif (Attack == 'rock'):
    if (computer == 'paper'):
        print('Cpu wins!')

elif (Attack == 'paper'):
    if (computer == 'scissors'):
        print('Cpu wins!')

elif (Attack == 'scissors'):
    if (computer == 'rock'):
        print('Cpu wins!')

elif (Attack == 'rock'):
    if (computer == 'scissors'):
        print( + User + "wins!")

elif (Attack == 'scissors'):
    if (computer == 'paper'):
        print( + User + "wins!")

elif (Attack == 'paper'):
    if (computer == 'rock'):
        print( + User + "wins!")

please copy paste your code to the forum, fixing something from screenshot is really difficult