Rock Paper Scissors Python part 8

It wont work :frowning:

from random import choice
name = raw_input("Enter your name : ")
print “Rock breaks Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, Paper beats Rock”
rps = [‘r’,‘p’,‘s’]
u = 0
v = 0

while 1:
print “R: Rock, P: Paper, S: Scissor”
user = raw_input("Enter your choice among the three : ")
user = user.lower()
py = choice(rps)

if user == py:
    print "You chose ",user
    print "I chose ",py
    print "Hence a Tie!"

elif user == 'r' and py == 's':
    print 'You entered Rock. I had Scissor. You win!'
elif user == 'r' and py == 'p':
    print 'You entered Rock. I had Paper. You lose!'
elif user == 's' and py == 'p':
    print 'You entered Scissor. I had Paper. You win!'
elif user == 's' and py == 'r':
    print 'You entered Scissor. I had Rock. You lose!'
elif user == 'p' and py == 's':
    print 'You entered Paper. I had Scissor. You lose!'
elif user == 'p' and py == 'r':
    print 'You entered Paper. I had Rock. You win!'

if v == 5:
    print 'Computer has won the game'

elif u == 5:
    print 'Congratulations ' + name

what’s the error message you are getting?

Make sure you’ve proper indentation

while 1:
  print "R: Rock, P: Paper, S: Scissor" # took 2 spaces
  user = raw_input("Enter your choice among the three : ")
  user = user.lower()
  py = choice(rps)

  if user == py:  # took 2 spaces before starting if condition

so all the lines of code after while 1: should be inside of while loop.

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