Responsive Club Website (CSS)

I am a starter, but would have appreciated someone pointing it out to me, so it’s a massive pleasure.

It was overflowing on larger screen sizes, but whatever you did worked!!! :clap: :smiley:

Yeah, below 300px is negligible!

Please keep an eye out for my future projects, I would love some honest, constructive feedback.

Started JavaScript, if you’d like, join me on Discord as a friend. We can bounce ideas off of each other or if we get stuck. Username: arri.mckey

Have a good one! :smiley:

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I’m from Thailand so my grammar is sick so please to kind to me :sweat_smile:
this is first project which i share to the public, if you find any bug or any to improve my website don’t hesitate to reply me.
Thank for access my project :smiling_face:


Sure, I’d love to.
:+1: Good luck with JS! I’ve sent you the request on discord.

your website looks great!
may be you could make it more responsive to smaller screens.

Wow, love some of the projects you guys have created!

Here’s my imaginary book club homepage: Thumos Book Club.

Github repository: GitHub - Theografiska/thumosbookclub

CSS code is probably quite messy in terms of the order of things. But the main thing is that I didn’t rush to completion this time and really tried to get things right (also in terms of responsiveness) and added some extra little details.

My question to someone smarter than me:

if you look at my project (Thumos Book Club), how could the links be displayed better with a fixed header? What I mean is that when you click on, for example, “Modus operandi” link from the nav bar, you don’t actually see the header to which it’s linked. (It gets hidden under the nav bar).

My solution:

Deployed on vercel:

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For what it’s worth I managed to fix this issue with fixed headers. This thread was of help: javascript - offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header - Stack Overflow.

This looks so good! Great job.

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Wow, this looks amazing. I think the only thing I might add to it is a fixed navigation bar.

Thank you. Truly appreciate it! :smiley:

Here is my project: GitHub - nickbeaken/clubproject
any feedback would be great!