Requiring an Input

Hello friends,can you tell me how can i change language of yellow required input warning since I need it to be in English but it shows me in Russian? And aslo “min” and “max” somehow dont works.Thank you for your time

Are you asking about a particular lesson? If so, what is the link? Or, are you referring to language setup in the codecademy learning environment?

Please refer to this guide (used to be helpful, but for some reason it’s been archived):

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  1. Always search for existing answers first.
  2. Provide as much information and context as possible.
  3. Format your code.
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  5. Reference Additional Resources

Before Starting a Topic, Search for Existing Answers

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Provide Information and Context

Categorize and Tag

Choose the correct category by language and tag with the course section name.

Context is critical for solving coding problems. Before you post your question, remember that the most visible part of your post is the title. Make that title as useful and descriptive as possible! A great title is usually the difference between something people click on and something people scroll past.

  • Ex: A good title: “Dasmoto Project: how do I include my images?” :slight_smile:
  • Ex: A title that needs work: “im stuck help plzzz” :frowning:

Now on to the body of your post. If your question stems from an example or problem posed in a course, please post a link to the page . That way, we can see the full instruction set, and can have some understanding as to just what the instructor was trying to accomplish. Please note that a full link is required: " Simply referring to the lesson by name is not sufficient to get you the help we want to get you.

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When pasting in code, remember that it needs to be escaped by wrapping it in backticks (the </kbd> key, found beneath the esc` button on your keyboard) like this:

def hello():
print(“Hello world!”)

Which looks like:

def hello():
    print("Hello world!")

Just pasting the same code in will come out this way:

def hello():
print(“Hello world!”)

Yikes! That’s not only harder to read, but if you tried to run it, it wouldn’t work! Yes, formatting is that important for code.

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Hi Lisa.When Im using input element from Requiring lesson My outcome is showing in Russian language and not in English, I mean “Please fill out this field” warning is in Russian.

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I have no clue. I think your best bet is to report a bug in the lesson itself. You can find the link under Get Unstuck>Bugs

Could this be an internal thing? CC’s LE is bundled together from a gazillion sources of which some of the software must be focused on geolocation and IP of the user in determining the language by which to deliver error messages?

I suspect it may have more to do with the browser. The exact default messages may vary both by browsers and by location.

Try the following experiment. Go to a website outside Codecademy with a webpage that has a form with a required field. Try submitting the form without filling the required field. Is the error validation message that pops up in English or Russian? If in Russian, it hints that the behavior is not specific to Codecademy and instead, your browser’s or operating system’s language is being used to decide the language being displayed.

thank you so much, indeed it was because of browser i changed it and it turned english

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sir it was browser language I had it in Russian now when i changed to English input became english, thank you for attention

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