I login and see the course I have taken, and I click on my profile and it says error 404. I’m trying to send the link to my teacher for extra credit.
Hi Daniel,
Do you get the same error when you go here? Also, could you post the URL you’re trying to visit?
Yes I get the same error thing. I disabled the do not track, restarted the browser, updated my profile, changed my password, logged in and out.
the url https://www.codecademy.com/dpettus2014
Thank you for addressing this.
@dpettus2014 This is very odd, I’m not sure what’s wrong
@CommunityManagers Could you please have a look at this?
Story of my life. I’m always picky and careful about managing all my accounts and information and something is wrong EVER SINGLE TIME haha. I wish I chose another path in life at this point but I’m too far in to quit now haha. Even my friends when I ask them things, they say “well with your luck”. On my lockdown browser for school they said my computer was “1% of cases for having to enable the browser on a different page.” over and over I’m in the wrong ‘1%’ category. Hopefully in the next few years I end up in the ‘proper’ one percent haha.
@dpettus2014 Hahaha, I’m the same
I’ve been getting better at not breaking computers though, so just keep with it and you’ll have fewer problems (hopefully)
@dpettus2014, it looks like you deleted your codecademy account. If your account is deleted, your profile page will 404.
When I press [View my profile] button I get 404. The button has the following link: https://www.codecademy.com/profiles/me and this is the page where I see 404: https://www.codecademy.com/H1ckstead
But “My account” link works fine. And I haven’t deleted my account that’s for sure.
I don’t remember if I deleted the account. I may be wrong but I think when my facebook was deactivated it ruined my public profile somehow. I can’t think of any reason I would want it gone. I’m not trying to be whiny or difficult I’m just asking. Is there anything you can provide that I may forward to my teacher in order to get the bonus points for completing some of these courses.
Hi Daniel, could you give me a screenshot of your whole web browser when you are in an exercise please?
Did you used to sign in with Facebook but now sign in with your email?
I have always signed in with Facebook but I deactivated it one day and then it reactivated Facebook when I logged in. Since then I haven’t been able to see my profile only the 404 page. I’m trying to move into php for class but I get a class point for every course completed.
Hi Daniel,
I’m going to report this again, but sometimes these things take a long time to sort out and maybe it can’t be sorted. In order to have something to show your instructor, you may wish to consider creating a new account.
I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything.
the only thing is I’ve already completed 3 courses, I’m not really worried about the account I was just hoping someone from code Academy could confirm it to him. Just so he will have something valid since he can’t view my profile, I’m so far beyond doing those HTML courses for CSS courses again at this point. I still have some time.