I have a probem, when I want visit my profil by clicking “View my profil” I have a 404 error.
My profil link is : https://www.codecademy.com/david.sobczak
What should I do ?
Thank you for your help.
I have a probem, when I want visit my profil by clicking “View my profil” I have a 404 error.
My profil link is : https://www.codecademy.com/david.sobczak
What should I do ?
Thank you for your help.
This sort of thing usually happens when you delete your account?
Do you know if this has happened?
Yes, I believe I tried to delete my account 3 years ago, but because I could still connect I have continued to use my account.
It is not possible to correct this problem ?
I’m not sure if I understand you correctly after deleting your account three years ago, you still could login and continue with the course ? and now you can’t ?
Exactly, and now I can still login
@CommunityManagers or @CodecademyModerators can help you
For information, I use google oauth for my account
I detected an other problem. I would like to do the angular course, but with this account the code editor is disabled and on the top bar I have always the message “Connecting to codecademy”.
I created an other account “David dwd” and I don’t have this problem …
From several users, I’m getting a correlation between having a deleted account and getting the "Connecting … " message.
Profile that gives the 404 error: https://www.codecademy.com/david.sobczak
Profile that does not give an error: https://www.codecademy.com/daviddwd
Is it just AngularJS? If you have time could you click in to some of the other courses and see what you get?