I am learning JavaScript and I am trying to write code in the editor. Whenever I type a character, the cursor disappears and the ‘Prettify Code’ logo appears at the bottom of the editor. If I try to type in the next characters, the cursor constantly disappears and I have to click in the editor to type the next character. It’s been annoying for me to write in the editor. How do I resolve this problem?
Do you have a link to the lesson?
Maybe try adjusting your settings under the Tools menu(?)
I have turned off every tool under the Tools menu but I am still having the problem. I have never encountered this problem before but a few days ago I decided to learn JavaScript on Codecademy and noticed that the cursor constantly disappeared whenever I typed in something. The last time I used Codecademy was to learn PHP and during that time, the ‘Prettify Code’ feature was not added to the code editor.
What web browser are you using?
If you think it’s a bug, you can report it within the lesson itself. I think that’s under the Get Unstuck menu>Bugs
I am using Google Chrome and have reported this bug a few days ago. How do I see responses to the bugs I reported?
Did they respond to your bug report? They should email you.
No they did not send me an email
Well, it’s not instantaneous. You have to realize that you’re not the only person reporting bugs. I’m sure it’s logged into whatever system they use & they’ll get to it at some point.
If you want to, you can report it using this form and be as specific as possible with the description of the error. Also, mention that you reported it through the lesson the other day. This form is available via the Help link on the main page here Codecademy Help> Fix a Problem> Contact CS>:
I have submitted my request to the website that you gave. Thanks for your help!
Same problem, also here while i am typig, strugling here, don’t allows me more then 4 characters or 1 second