In what year, month, and day was code academy officially created?
(question for someone like a moderator or team member)
In what year, month, and day was code academy officially created?
(question for someone like a moderator or team member) has year and month. I don’t know if you can get closer than that.
I can’t go there it’s not allowed on my computer.
What sort of internet limitations do you have? Here is the reference that that Wikipedia article points to
Are you able to access that one?
Nope not that one either I have a lot of limitations. I can’t really go anywhere besides codeacademy
that’s Y I stay here.
The article says:
They launched in three weeks from that “aha” moment, and, with no marketing, gained 200,000 users over the course of that weekend at the end of August 2011.
WOW!!! It’s awesome that so many people want to be coders!
Its kind of nessesary in the time we live in now so its not a suprise to me, but why are there so many limits to your Internet?
you have to guess how many users Codecademy has now
My estimate is…
Somewhere around 700,500?
you can find the answer in this article
WOW!!! 25,000,000 USERS!!! THAT’S A LOT!
Yes, it is amazing
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