Random Question

In what year, month, and day was code academy officially created?

(question for someone like a moderator or team member)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codecademy has year and month. I don’t know if you can get closer than that.

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I can’t go there it’s not allowed on my computer.

What sort of internet limitations do you have? Here is the reference that that Wikipedia article points to http://www.inc.com/30under30/christine-lagorio/zach-sims-and-ryan-bubinski-founders-of-codecademy.html

Are you able to access that one?

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Nope not that one either I have a lot of limitations. I can’t really go anywhere besides codeacademy
that’s Y I stay here.

The article says:

They launched Codecademy.com in three weeks from that “aha” moment, and, with no marketing, gained 200,000 users over the course of that weekend at the end of August 2011.

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WOW!!! It’s awesome that so many people want to be coders!:smiley:


Its kind of nessesary in the time we live in now so its not a suprise to me, but why are there so many limits to your Internet?

you have to guess how many users Codecademy has now :smiley:

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My estimate is…

Somewhere around 700,500?

no :smiley:
you can find the answer in this article

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WOW!!! 25,000,000 USERS!!! THAT’S A LOT!:smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Yes, it is amazing :heart_eyes:

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Have you ever been to https://KhanAcademy.org?