There was a lot of stuff to digest for Python 3 intermediate. And I feel like there wasn’t much to practice for each of these sections. I was kind of expecting at least some sort of challenge at the end of each section.
Cause I’m gonna have to rely on ChatGPT and on other AI models to get some questions to solidify this section. Do I have this right? See the syllabus below…
Syllabus - Python 3 Intermediate
Functions Arguments
- Mutable default Arguments
- Function Arguments
Namespaces and Scope
- Lambda functions
- Built-in Higher-Order Functions
- Decorators
Object-Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Overriding Methods
- super( )
- Multiple Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Dunder methods
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Getters, Setters, and Deleters
- Built-In Property( ) Functions
- @property Decorator
- Built-In Exceptions
- Raising Exceptions
- Try / Except Exceptions
- Catching Specific Exceptions
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- Else Clause Exceptions
- Finally Clause Exceptions
- User-Defined Exceptions
- Customizing User-Defined Exceptions
What is your question, specifically?
Do you have some code to share? Error messages? If so, please post your formatted code by using the preformatted text button.
I don’t think that the course should be your sole learning tool. You shouldn’t rely on one source when learning programming. Check the Python documentation, StackOverflow, YouTube, etc. Look into “Learn Python the Hard Way” (by Zed Shaw) or the entire Python for Everybody series on YT by Dr. Chuck Severence from U of M’s School of Information. There’s a lot of resources out there, you just have to search for it. It’s also not something that you can speed through. It takes time, practice, repetition to learn a new language.
Also, I wouldn’t look to CGPT to learn anything. How can you verify the results? What comprises the LLM? It wasn’t designed as a learning tool or to provide factual answers to questions. (It was designed to make a computer produce a natural sounding response to a question or other prompt).
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I created that list for the sections I learned from “python3 intermediate”. Unlike the “beginner” course there isn’t a lot of practice on these areas. I was hoping I can get practice questions to solidify the lesson.
So far ChatGTP has been helpful. I would love to know if there are other resources where I can get some practice in where I don’t have to pay.
There’s plenty of tutorials out there. Just not practice questions which I am really looking forward to.
If you read my post, you’ll see that I supplied some possible options. Another one is Code Wars. It’s free but you have to create an account there. Your best bet is to do some research and figure out what works best for you.
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