Python TAKING A VACATION Hey, You Never Know! 6/7

I can’t understand what i’m doing wrong. I’m trying to follow the forums but it isn’t really helping. Here’s my code.
def hotel_cost(nights):
return 140 * nights
def plane_ride_cost(city):
if city== “Charlotte” :
return 183
elif city== “Tampa” :
return 220
elif city== “Pittsburgh” :
return 222
elif city== “Los Angeles” :
return 475
return “None”
def rental_car_cost(days):
cost = 40 * days
if days >= 7:
return cost - 50
elif days in range(3, 7):
return cost - 20
return cost
def money(spending_money):
return spending_money
def trip_cost(city, days,spending_money):
return plane_ride_cost(city) + hotel_cost(days) + rental_car_cost(days) + money(spending_money)

You don’t need to define the money function! just add spending_money to your last term.

but now i got this
trip_cost(‘Tampa’, 4, 0) raised an error: global name ‘money’ is not defined

here is the code

if city== “Charlotte” :
return 183
elif city== “Tampa” :
return 220
elif city== “Pittsburgh” :
return 222
elif city== “Los Angeles” :
return 475
return “None”
def rental_car_cost(days):
cost = 40 * days
if days >= 7:
return cost - 50
elif days in range(3, 7):
return cost - 20
return cost
def trip_cost(city, days,spending_money):
return plane_ride_cost(city) + hotel_cost(days) + rental_car_cost(days) + money(spending_money)

here is my code, but I get the “trip_cost should take exactly three parameters: city, days, and spending_money (in that order).” error in 7/7 section, while my code is working!
def hotel_cost(nights):
return 140 * nights

def plane_ride_cost(city):
if city == “Charlotte” :
return 183
if city == “Tampa” :
return 220
if city == “Pittsburgh” :
return 222
if city == “LosAngeles” :
return 475

def rental_car_cost(days):
if days >= 7:
return (40 * days)-50
elif days >=3:
return (40 * days)-20
return 40 * days

def trip_cost(city, days, spending_money):
return rental_car_cost(days) + hotel_cost(days) + plane_ride_cost(city) + spending_money

i see. thank you for the help

The bulk of the code is correct. There’s just a few minor tweaks that is needed.

For example: when writing it “city==” it’s best to have a space: “city ==”
Also, you need to make sure that your use “print” instead of return on the last line. Otherwise, Codecademy is going to assume that you got the code wrong. Here is my code which works perfectly fine:

def hotel_cost(nights):
  return 140 * nights

def plane_ride_cost(city):
  if city == "Charlotte":
    return 183
  elif city == "Tampa":
    return 220
  elif city == "Pittsburgh":
    return 222
  elif city == "Los Angeles":
    return 475

def rental_car_cost(days):
  cost = days * 40
  if days >= 7:
    return cost - 50
  elif days >= 3:
    return cost - 20
  return cost

def spending_money(extra):
  return extra 

def trip_cost(city, days, extra):
  return rental_car_cost(days) + hotel_cost(days -1) + plane_ride_cost(city) + spending_money(extra)
  return trip_cost

print trip_cost("Los Angeles", 5, 600)