AcPower her
An frustrated dyselectic that trye to lern Phyton
I see 1000 things simular to Amiga Basic her but i have an hard time about syntax
I vill lern Phython to program mostly Rasber nad ardino
to controll my home and my bike
im 100% sure i can creat an Datalogger for an Race bike whit just one Rasbery and some good progrming
Problem is to get all toys to speak to the Rasbery in an nice mater
first wee take the asy and controling the haet in my house and give me alarms vhen it not working rigth
It shall not be so hard (I hope) just to read some data and get it to reat to it Heat upp Heat Down Aircon on and so on
Having hard time to get the speing rigth on alla comands
Is ther any Interpether that have corection built in the Interpeter ??