Publishing a Site

I have practiced HTML and CSS for a long time and I want to release my first official website. The problem is I don’t know how to do this without the rent from host or whatever I just want to be the owner. So how can I get my website out there and not owned by some company.

What do you mean, you don’t want your website to be own by a company? You want to host your website yourself?

If you just want to test it, start with something simple like pages on github, later you can always upgrade to a free hosting/paid hosting (yes, there are free hostings)

@thecrazycomedian If you’re interested in GH Pages, I wrote a guide for it - it’s pretty simple :slight_smile:

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To publish a website, you must first register or connect to a domain (you need to pay but there’s very cheap one like goDaddy and 1&1) or get a free subdomain (which is like this provided by the web hosting service. To get web hosting, you can either choose to be hosted by companies who have servers working 24h/7d
to host your website or choose to get your own server (it’s free). In this case, you must install a server (Here’s a quick link to help you install a server). You will get the information of your domain (I will explain its use later) By either way you choose to host your website, you must transfer all your directory (files and folders) inside** FTP server** which is a protocol for transferring files into the web. You must first install FileZilla and enter the information provided for your domain inside it. After, you can move all your directory for your website inside it. Much more information provided here. And that’s it! If you’ve got more question, please visit this link that explains you how to publish your website
Hope this helped you!:wink: