Hi Everyone! This is my first prototype. Kindly also check the link below for the prototype, Hi-Fi wireframe, and UI Images.
This is the link to display my prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/qeGz94gWF6pLdP8WJlY6Gf/Ridgeline_product_page?node-id=4-2&t=j8ule9qXCk9qtJmH-1
Hey there here is my Rigeline Prototype.
JeffJWM Rigeline Prototype (Color & Size Interactions)
I’ve been struggling with making sure you all are able to access all the interactions, let me know if you are able to view them this way, if not…any insight on how else to export it so it shows that way would be great!
I tried to keep it simple and Pink! Hope you like it .
My Prototype
Hey Haiiiiii, everyone here is my Project on Ridgeline Prototype
Here is my Ridgeline Protptype
- Cart Added - after clicking on “Add to Cart”.
- Searching - after clicking on the magnifier in the header.
- Added to Favorite - after clicking on the heart icon under the product name (Sample Product Copy).
- Carousel - the second thumbnail and right arrow.
- Hamburger Menu - after clicking on the 3 lines, beside the logo.
Hello there!
Here’s my prototype.
I’ve faced a few challenges along the way, but I’ve enjoyed the process from start to finish. I’ve added two interactions for now—it’s been quite a bit of time and work, but I’m proud of this first small achievement!
To test the prototype, click on size “XS” and then on “Add to Bag.” Enjoy exploring!
Hey everyone! I just completed the Ridgeline prototype project and was hoping for some feedbacks!
this is my first ever project, and to be fair I am more interested in front-end design, but I thought it would be useful to have some extra skills.
Here is the link! here
Thank you!
Okay so here is my Ridgeline Prototype: https://www.figma.com/design/VIYXAWyNN7QTuPg9thYdHO/Ridgeline-Project-Prototype?node-id=0-1&t=KHJisVu8PEKDtTvd-1
I hope it is okay.
hy all, here is my project ridgeline