Hi all,
This is more a general question and sharing some of my thinking re. Projects. I’ll start with this:
When starting a project, is it common to start an entire new topic that you need to learn? For instance, I’m starting the A/B Shoefly project and it’s clear to me I’ve got to learn about Pandas. I haven’t got to Pandas on the Data Science path yet and haven’t met it in Python 3 yet, but as part of my doing this project - I’d best start looking at Pandas.
Main point: Part of doing a project can require learning a new/topic course.
I’m fully aware that the Shoefly project has hints, forum topics and examples of people’s code. Well aware there are lots of strategies avaliable. But regarding my statement, does anyone find this to be true?
Hope this fits on this forum. Thankyou
What specific DS course/path are you taking?
I didn’t think that that project used pandas. but, that’s odd that you’ve not gotten the basics of it yet.
Pandas isn’t a part of the Python 3 course, it’s part of data analytics and science courses.
I’m doing the Data Science/Machiene Learning path - pretty much just started…but that is likley the answer . . I will keep going. I have been learning Python 3 from another source before codecademy also.
The Shoefly project is under the heading of ‘Python’, but I see the importing of pandas at the top of the code when the project begins, some mucking around with csv files which I haven’t encountered yet. As I say, I think I have the answer - which is that I need to continue more with DS path before I do this project.
Just seemed odd to me the project was listed under Python. Must be that I haven’t enountered that stuff in Python yet…I will choose a more fitting project for my level methinks!
Huh. That’s strange. It sounds like an editorial mistake when they created the content for that (newer) path. In the (older) DS path that I did, that project appears in a “Data Manipulation with Pandas” section under the subsection, “Aggregates in Pandas”. (That project is recycled content and also older and originally appeared in a Data Analytics course circa 2017-18.)
Do you have a link? I’m now curious.
Did you do a project called “Petal Power Inventory” prior to this A/B testing Shoefly project? I am looking at the project now and it’s asking students to use pivots and group by’s in Pandas, which is slightly advanced.
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Hey again,
This is it, within the Python subcategory. Second row down: https://www.codecademy.com/projects/language/python
‘Petal Power Inventory’ I hope to do one day, kinda new jumping on projects. Maybe I will make a cirriculum content suggestion too, interesting to know there’s a potential mistake there.
I’m confused. That link is just a number of random python projects not connected to any path.
If I look at the syllabus for the DS-Machine Learning Specialist, there’s a unit called “Python Pandas for DS”, where the project lives under “Aggregates in Pandas”, which is the 4th subsection of that area. So, it’s not out of place b/c prior to it, there’s a build up of Pandas lessons.
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The idea was I wanted to start a Python project not attached to a path, so I used the python filter on the left hand side and picked a project at random - one that so happened to need Pandas knowledge, which happened to be the Shoefly project.
However, this makes things clear to me now. Shoefly does require Pandas knowledge and it is reassuring that it is on the DS path, knowing that I will get to it anyway.
Thankyou for investigating this
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