I’m finding it a little frustrating to do these projects because the directions and hints do not go along with the code that is used for the actual “reference” page.
For example: On the Junction project the directions say “In the header, add this logo and add four list items:…”
However nowhere in the hint, or directions does it say you need to re-size the logo when you will definitely need to. Or what color you need to change the list item text to. This may be intentional as to not “hold the coders hand” too much, but it’s just annoying with vague directions when I’m trying to get my page to look exactly like the one mentioned. Having to hunt through the developer tools to find how they set up the classes or what fonts they used or what padding was used gets a little annoying when the pages are set up in one big line of code. Am I missing something, or is there a better reference for the actual code that was used or anything like that? Thanks!