Print first 50 numbers

i’m trying to figure out how to print first 100 numbers that are divisible with 3, 5, or 7.
i’d like to do this without arrays, just loops and so.

i was thinking of setting counter = 0, then do a while(counter < 100). i kinda get lost with what to do after that. can anyone help?

Maybe inside the while loop make a

  • count++

  • if loop (to say to print the number if divisible by 3)

  • else if loop (to say to print the number if divisible by 5)

  • else if loop (to say to print the number if divisible by 7)

  • else loop (to say to leave it be)

Its pretty simple. If you still want a starting place i could give you my rough code that I think does what you are asking.

already figured it out. but thank’s anyway!