Postbird Download Virus

As I am working on To-Do List Project To-Do List there is a requirement of Postbird installation. I have Mcafee and it blocks the download of exe file (and obviously the installation) and says “virus detected” and quarantines it. Anyone else ran into that? Not sure of a workaround - any recommendations? TIA

I ran into a similar issue on my Mac. I installed Postbird and moved it to Applications but when I right-clicked and chose Open, Mac couldn’t determine it wasn’t a virus. My only options were to click “Done” or “Move to Trash”.

This may be pure hogwash, but it is something to consider: Rather than install in Program Files, install it in


It shouldn’t need administrator permission to install in a Limited User account, and like Python, will run just fine.

it’s been a minute since i worked on this project, but as far as I recall I did not have access to a file itself as my antivirus blatantly blocked the download without any options (they are quite ignorant of your opinions these days, ye know)
But when I do get back to this one, I’ll let you know if your suggestion worked
Thank you !!

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