Portfolio Project

Hello :smirk:
I spent 3 whole days in front of my computer, which haven’t been really supportive and tried to die few times :smiley: But anyway, that challenge was a lot of fun and it requested all brain power my brain could even produce. I undestand that it’s not the best portfolio on the internet, but I’m really proud of myself as I know I tried my best.
Will improve it with time and practice: )

Here it is
I’ll appreciate if you take a look and give me your opinion in the comments, and of course if you’ll find out that something’s displaying or working incorrecty, please let me know.

Thank you for your time!


That is such a great Profile Portfolio!

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I like what you did, I am thinking on Joining Codecademy Front-End-Dev next month. What is your source for learning since you are self taught ? How long have you been practicing.

Thank you so much!
I’m studying here on Codecademy, Full-Stack Engeneer career path and now finished 30% of it. There’ve been fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well. It took me around 2 month, but I do it every day for 4-6 hours, since it’s really fun and addictive :grinning:


Only 2 months !! You are a Pro. I myself am planning to start in near future, I am really motivated after seeing your progress. Thanks for sharing and Good Luck for the future!

Thank you!! Wish you good luck too and hope you’ll find coding as interesting as I do :dizzy:

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This is great, specially for 3 days of work. I took about 2 weeks 2hr/day building mine. https://gianfrancocaputo.github.io/

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Thank you! But I have a lot of free time now, so can spend even a whole day doing one same thing, if found something interesting :grinning:
Your portfolio looks cool too! Like it

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i checked out the portfolio project and really like it , its simple but still grabs attention and attracted me as the user to want to learn more . i say good job ! definitely think you will become a very well skilled developer

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Thank you so much! It is really motivating

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Looks great, and very unique.

I especially enjoyed your fact generator & the potato-specific information.

The only thing I would look at is the sizing of the Eagle Eye page. The width extends beyond the viewport.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you!
I can’t believe I was so nervous about posting anything here, and every comment is really supportive :grinning:
And thank you for noticing, I’ll take a look and fix this

Hello from CDMX

How time spent your project to complete all , it is very nice, good job

Thank you! It took 3 days :slight_smile:

I love your portfolio :heart::heart::heart:

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That’s pretty cool tbh, I like the color scheme and grid background for sure

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That is so dope!

You are very talented, congrats!

Really liked the little “game” of pushing the language logos into your avatar and the surprise afterward with the random facts.

Great job!

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@allisonribeiro , @data4873767799 , @mega1339557352 thank you! so nice to see these comments)

omg i love it, very well done! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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