Portfolio Project: Life Expectancy analysis

Hi Codecademy community :wave:. I have finally completed this project on GDP and life expectancy, the project was really educative and nice to get my hands dirty with code, this project took me about 3 days to complete had to do some research on some of the countries and what happened to their GDP and life expectancy levels. I would really appreciate your feedback and other additional insights. Here is the GitHub link to the project :point_right: :link: GitHub notebook link

Thank you in advance.

Congrats on completing the project.

Some thoughts:

"If aggregation by some outcome variable – such as health, education, or income – is necessary, use a finer distinction than two groups. For example, distinguish between low-income, lower-middle-income, upper-middle-income, and high-income countries. Indeed, for something so basic as population structure (whether the population is aging or still very young), aggregating countries into just two groups would mask the large difference between lower-middle income and upper-middle-income countries that we see today. "

  • It’s a good analysis, & you have a solid grasp of how to use the Python libraries. I like the “Further Insights” section, as there is always more to the story of the data presented and other variables do have an affect life expectancy.
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Thanks for the review, the necessary corrections have been made.

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