Personal Portfolio Website


Thanks for viewing my project! All critiques are welcome!

Here is the github deployment: Portfolio Website

And here is the repo: GitHub

This project took me about 8-12 hours to complete. The project was somewhat challenging for me but it served to cement what I’ve learned about JavaScript interactivity.

Some things I’ve planned for future updates:

  • Replacing/removing hover animations on mobile. Is best practice to remove hover animations for small screen sizes? Or is there a better way?
  • Add overlay with text instructions to profile-pic (to further indicate that it’s clickable)
  • Add more buttons to the contact area
  • Add projects to the project area!

That’s all for now, thanks again for taking a look and for providing feedback!


Hi Eric

Well done. I like the site and especially the copy.

My comments for what they are worth are, I think the blue color scheme is better than the red, but you only see that for the top section, because you instinctively click on the picture. I’d perhaps start with the red scheme and click to blue, so you see the rest of the site in blue. Also I’d move the image up perhaps next to the bio text so it can be viewed above the fold - it looks a bit small and isolated in the middle of the page.

But great job!

Nice and straightforward.