Personal Portfolio Project - Any feedback on design, content and code very welcome. Thanks :)


Here’s the first version of my Personal Portfolio Project (no Javascript as yet—suggestions as to what to include are very welcome!). After a redesign halfway through, it took me about two weeks to complete.

The website can be found here.

The code repo can be found here.

Many thanks,


Hi Ross!

Veeeeery beautiful, i like your design solution a lot!
Fonts, colors system, sections, dark and light mode, navigation, animation – super… Lot’s of taste)

Some nice critics:

  • when i’m in a light mode – the contact section, that is yellow then is very bright and my eyes react not very comfortable…
  • when i look the page on a small screen – the header has no padding, i miss at least few pixels of space on the left side…
  • and scrolling is very smooth and pleasant, but somehow it scrolls the projcts section not to the beginning of it, but to the middle. And its not so easy to scroll and stay at the beginning… Especially on small screen…
  • projects by clicking are opening on same page. Maybe in a new tab would be better?

Wish you good luck!
Kind regards


Thanks so much for the feedback, it is most appreciated. I have taken on board all the suggestions and made changes accordingly, plus a few more! :slightly_smiling_face:

The main issue now is I don’t like how the social media buttons in the contact section are laid out - any thoughts on how to make this better would be most appreciated!


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Bravo, it looks great!

On small screen there’s still some issue in navigation, have a look:

And about your media icons… Maybe to center them? And to choose one style? Like all of them in black or all colorful…

Good like and kind greetings!

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Think I’ve now sorted the nav bar when on a small screen :slightly_smiling_face:

Will have a play around with the media icons now. May make them all the same colour or possibly ditch them altogether as have them on the footer anyway.


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Looks super now! Congrats!

Hi Ross, really nice work, I loved the type writing effect. As a tip, you can use Fontello to build your own web font and reduce your page weight, you can save lots of bandwidth.


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