Hi everyone - thanks for you requests! We’ve just added PayPal as a payment option. You can signup here: https://www.codecademy.com/pro
There is also an annual plan, if you’re interested: https://www.codecademy.com/pro/checkout?plan_id=proAnnualV2
I have paypal account but no debit or credit card linked to it.I just have balance in my paypal account.
In purchasing codeacademy pro,I have to fill credit card information;How can it be avoided?
I am from India.
Select pay with PayPal?
But I chose that option,even then it demands for filling card details.
If you choose paypal then that is paypal asking for your credit card details, not codecademy…
This is how it works - paypal taks your money and gives it to CodeCademy, so codecademy doesn’t get any of your details besides your email address and name
You need to have/ put money into your paypal account or add in your CC details so paypal can pay CodeCademy, paypal normally has EFT, CC and some other vouchers you need to check what it supports in your country.
I’m experiencing same issues with paypal. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t seen the issues. In summery, i have more than enough balance in PayPal to complete codecademy transaction. Some reasons paypal will go by default to credit card. Even-though, I have set my preferred payment method to be paypal balance.
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