Should be a huge time-saver.
For learning, it is not important to retype exact text when needed.
It would much improve my UX if I could just CLICK (or some mouseover-hint-then-click)
on the text and have it in clipboard, so I can paste it in solution.
I’m talking about VALUES not code. Just VALUES.
I can’t use double-click as sometimes it is more than one word,
and selecting text as now can be tiresome and “tricky” (specially on tablet).
Hi! Welcome to the forums 
Given the nature of programming: it might be arguable that it is important to be precise in typing exact text (or rather, knowing when it is important, and when it is not). Yes, I copy and paste all the time in my projects, but I also have to know the pitfalls (for example in python, I have to double-check all my copy and paste sections for indentation errors, or for improperly formatted quotation marks).
I don’t think CC is set up to run particularly well on tablets. But then again, I don’t know any app that beats out a text editor in a laptop/desktop scenario (this may change in the near future). For learning on a tablet, I usually just read e-books or put on youtube videos and have a laptop on the side to test out whatever is necessary.
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Thanks for a nice comment. I agree that copy-paste is not a way to code.
Problem is CodeCademy system uses EXACT text values to test if a challenge is properly solved, so variable names and variable values MUST be exactly the same as specified. This is why copy-paste values would be such time-saver only on CodeCademy
I agree that CC tablet experience is not something of importance, but I guessed that someone somewhere is using it in that way. Of course that using Emacs or VIM (or even beginners VSCode or ST3) is much pleasant experience on desktop.
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It seems to me that mobile is quite important to CC 
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Yeaaa haha. Not for me… I do think about the best ways to train when I’m commuting. Though honestly I just take audio notes of whatever I’m studying and that seems to help more. Or listen to a tech podcast. Reading an ebook I guess is an option but I do worry about eye sight for prolonged periods of reading such tiny text.
I guess they’re trying to do a duolingo type thing. Could be interesting.