Online project

Hi my name is Juan im studying on Codecademy from rural Mexico, Im studying for being a full stack engineer with Codecademy. Can I work with anyone in any project for website from home???
I have completed my course in HTML CSS and currently starting the Java Script course

We can work with GitHub

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i have a killer tip on websites: get a template or clone an awesome site. I came here to rage. I spent two days trying to make that tea site with columns and rows and I found out on mdn you cant do both, only with grid. You don’t always get full disclosure in coding. So consider this an inside tip if you haven’t done the tea project yet.


Hi juan, here to learn. this is my Multydelivery (Felipe Sanz) · GitHub

also here.

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Bro your code seems awesome! I’m gonna start the front end course, your piano and weather website look cool!

no columns and rows together?? that is strange

In other words if you have a stack of parent containers on your page in a column, then all of the containers are are all column based so you lose leverage of styling it in a row based environment.

Styling a row in column based set up has more limitations such as “centering”, etc, than if the design started in a row based environment. If you start off with row based, you get more styling for rows, but lose some column based styling.

I tried using the self property to combat this but it was out of it’s jurisdiction. I looked for days for the answer to this, so if you find something else, please let me know.

But as for me as a graphic designer, I like my stuff positioned strategically, which means, draw the wire frames first.

Using someone else’s components, libraries, variables, is sometimes hard because making changes can ruin your whole design, unless we learn about combo classes or global classes. I think those start to make your code look messy, especially if a potential employer “inspects” with developer tools.

I think if you are struggling at all with just the skeleton, use some AI. It doesn’t show up in the code.

The reason why I say this is because designers out there are using ai, and they are 50% faster now. You need to be competitive and help companies’ save time and money.

Using ai doesn’t mean your ignorant. You do need to know the basics of the language to put any snippets in your code.

AI is so much cleaner than copying someone else’s code which can destroy all your work with their components, variables, styles, etc.

This way you are creating your own work. You will see its easier to edit and style the ai skeleton than trying to mess with someone else’s code and styles.

You can keep studying layouts until you master it, and maybe in the future you will kick ai’s butt. But don’t expect to be a master of flexbox, or grids straight out of school.

That is my belief but I am only 15% into this program.

If you look at the css tricks article, it separates parent and children commands.

I read that semantic html is very responsive and is so easy, you could master grid later, if that’s the issue. Just do the media queries and the one line of code in header automatically makes things responsive so don’t overwhelm yourself.

I would get a box, grid, flex etc webpage done though for your portfolio.

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actually I think a little collab on github would be great for portfolio so I would be willing to do one small piece with you. I am just starting js too. We could do a collab css animation or do something together that you dont want to do alone.

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