Need help with VSC code

Hi everyone!

Im following the computer science career path with codecademy. The next step is to start coding on my own computer. However, I have some issues setting everything up.

I have downloaden VSC code and downloaded python too. Somehow I can’t get it to work. I need to create a file and start coding in it. My main concern is that I’m not doing it correctly.

Any help is welcome as im extremely new to all of this, thank you!

Windows or MacOS?


It’s MacOS. Thanks for the reply, I’ll check it out!

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Just heads up, even the text editor and IDE are a long learning curve that are not trivial.
So sometimes it helps to mentalize: oh for this block of time I’m really just going to learn about VS Code setup. I used to get frustrated with that early on.

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Thanks for the advice! I’ll look into it.

My problem is on a Windows 10 computer.

How do I make a C# Console app build and debug in Visual Studio Code?

I have already built my C# Console App in Visual Studio Code. The issue I have is when I reopen the folder where the project file is in Visual Studio Code and then rebuilding the code and debugging it again.

Here is what I do and what happens. After I open the folder where the project file resides, I click on this to process the code to debug:

And then I click on the appearing “Run and Debug” button

But then the bottom status bar says “Looking for CSS classes in the workspace…” followed by a percentage in paragraphs. Why is this? Why does this happen when there are no CSS classes at all and my project is a C# project?

Why is this? This is just a brief snapshot of some difficulties I find when I reopen a project after I have closed Visual Studio Code. I have experienced other errors and problems in building and running my code.

To continue, in order to deal with the project as a solution, I click on this icon to open the solution panel.

This seemingly allows me to view the solution. As the following view appears, I click on the project.cs file and attempt a debugging session from there.

With this file being displayed, I clicked on the menu option, Run → Start Debugging

Then, at this point, in the pop up option window that appears in the middle and top of the development environment, I pick “C#”:

Something went wrong and in the bottom right of my IDE, I get this message:

Please advise. What should I do now?