Need help with SQLite3 in Git Bash

I just started to learn SQL. I completed the installation of the sqlite3.exe using Git Bash and everything worked as expected. However, I didn’t think about the fact that I had unzipped the download files to my desktop. When I move the unzipped folder, I get an error saying the file cannot be found. I tried simply reinstalling SQLIte after I moved the files, but that didn’t work. So my question is how do I either update Git Bash to recognize the new file location or how do I uninstall SQLite so I can re-install it with the source file in the correct location?

If you’re on windows, adding it to the system PATH list may help. (This is a list of all the places windows looks for files by default)

Search ‘add to path windows’ on youtube. There are plenty of short vids which give directions

Hope that helps

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