Hi everyone,
I completed the the reddit-client project. It was of a medium level difficulty. Requirement of the project are good enough to revise everything I’ve been taught in the frontend path.
Check it out
I would love your suggestions particularly for color schema (a better one)
This is quite good you are keeping the contrast quite well.
Thanks, I think It’s just my laptop that it looks dull
maybe you can keep the main content completely white, where the posts are rendered try it see how that goes.
I changed the background of posts to much lighter color, now it looks better.
Hey i checked it out on my sanmsung, looks really good and well structured, one of the best project i’ve seen so far. I was wondering whether you could get help me with the reddit API comments endpoint I was having a hard time retrieving the comments thanks, if not dont worry about it
thanks a lot, @blackroad06 I’m glad you liked the project. your feedback really helped me improve the UI, and I would love to help you with the project, the json is indeed pretty nested. here’s the breakdown of the response.
json formatter
const postJsonURL = `https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/comments/${postId}/${postTitle}.json`;
const response = await fetch(postJsonURL );
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
// first element contains the actual post and the second is for comments
let [postData, commentsData] = data;
postData = postData.data.children[0].data;
commentsData = commentsData.data.children
Apart from this I’m using some util functions to select only required key:value
pair that I’m showing in my webapp.
I hope this helps.
you can always send me a message I would love to get more into this.
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Wow, thanks buddy heads up for that, really appreciate it
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